A Very Blasty 2nd Birthday
1:00 PM13:00

A Very Blasty 2nd Birthday

Please come help us celebrate Blasty Bough’s second birthday on Februrary 9!

Join us for a party that includes a release of a fresh batch of Extra Special Blasty (brewed special for our birthday), a giant whoopie pie (Dave’s grandmother’s recipe) , live music in the taproom and raffles of cool Blasty Bough merch. Really, we are celebrating you guys — because when we opened a brewery two years ago on a pouring-rain day in February, you all showed up and made it work. So come raise a glass and sing a little “Happy Birthday,” and let’s celebrate together!

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Winter Solstice trad session & songs Dec. 21
7:00 PM19:00

Winter Solstice trad session & songs Dec. 21

Join us in the Blasty Bough taproom for an evening of traditional tunes, songs and even a recitation or two as the spirit moves. Just like in the old country, we'll make a joyful noise together on the longest night of the year! Session led by house musicians Fionn Shea and Axel Stewart. 7-9 p.m.

#merrymerry #HaveABlasty #joyfulnoise #wintersolstice

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Beer & Civility: NH Primary -- Relevant or Relic?
3:00 PM15:00

Beer & Civility: NH Primary -- Relevant or Relic?

A republican, a democrat, a libertarian and an independent walked into a brewery and…had a civil conversation!

No joke.

Come gather in the tavern over some delicious beer and snacks and debate the issues of the day — with (wait for it...) civility and respect.

Each conversation will focus on one topic and be hosted by one of those rock stars of small New Hampshire communities: our local Town Moderators. (Why have them only use those mad skills on Town Meeting Day, and why not let them have beer?)

Join us on November 3 at 3 p.m. for a conversation about "New Hampshire's First-in-the-Nation Presidential Primary: Relevant or Relic?" hosted by Lyme, NH Town Moderator (and friend of Blasty Bough), Kevin Peterson.

To whet your appetite for this conversation, check out NHPR's new podcast, "Stranglehold," about how "one small state got its hands around our presidential elections." https://www.npr.org/podcasts/750516863/stranglehold

Things may get spirited — but not spiteful.

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Oct. 27: Beers and Fears: Tales from the Scary Side
4:00 PM16:00

Oct. 27: Beers and Fears: Tales from the Scary Side

Love The Moth Radio Hour? Love scary stories? Love beer? Bring a story to tell, and come over to Blasty Bough for a pre-Hallows' Eve storytelling circle led by scary-story guy (and friend of Blasty Bough) Curt McDermott. Come join in a gloaming-hour of original, live storytelling (no notes!) that would scare old E.A. Poe right out of his wits. 

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MothX Storytelling Hour: Near Misses
7:00 PM19:00

MothX Storytelling Hour: Near Misses

Love The Moth Radio Hour? Love great stories? Love beer? Have you ever had a near-miss in your life? Bring a story to tell, and come over to Blasty Bough for a storytelling circle led by story guy (and friend of Blasty Bough) Curt McDermott. Come join in an evening of original, live storytelling (no notes!) organized around the theme of near misses. We can’t wait to hear your stories!

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Pub Sing! July 27
7:00 PM19:00

Pub Sing! July 27

Bring your voice and bring your sea chanteys, your work songs and grog songs and we'll have a time...! Led by the indomitable Fionn Shea, this will be an a cappella song circle in the taproom from 7-9 p.m. No cover, but tips for the shantyman appreciated. Bring your voice, and a song to share and teach...and come #HaveABlasty and raise a song with us!

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Pub Sing! June 15
7:00 PM19:00

Pub Sing! June 15

Bring your voice and bring your sea chanteys, your work songs and grog songs and we'll have a time...! Led by the indomitable Fionn Shea, this will be an a cappella song circle in the taproom from 7-9 p.m. No cover, but tips for the shantyman appreciated. Bring your voice, and a song to share and teach...and come #HaveABlasty and raise a song with us!

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Maple beer collaboration pairing dinner at Northwoods
6:00 PM18:00

Maple beer collaboration pairing dinner at Northwoods

Come on over to Johnson’s Seafood and Steak and Northwoods Brewing Co. for a special tasting menu created to go with maple beers! We’ll be bringing kegs of our Sugarmakers’ Maple-Bourbon Porter and Jigs n’ Reels Irish Red for the occasion. We collaborated with our friends from Northwoods and Out.Haus Ales on another maple beer called The Marvelous Mrs. Maple, a takeoff on a classic German Dunkelweizen. Chef Shane is working on a special menu…

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NH Craft Beer Week 2019!
to Apr 7

NH Craft Beer Week 2019!

Come celebrate New Hampshire craft beer! Join us for a special maple-beer-paired tasting dinner and collaboration with our friends at Northwoods Brewing Company on April 4; celebrate special beer releases (including Fort Mountain DIPA and Farmer’s Alchemy Saison, plus Sugarmakers’ Maple-Bourbon Porter until it runs out); grab your coupon for our Farm2Kettle-Farm2Table collaboration with our friends at Umami; and come get civil at our “Beer & Civility” conversation on April 7! See you here!

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Mandofest release and mando jam
2:00 PM14:00

Mandofest release and mando jam

Blasty Bough is the (totally un)official brewery of the Concord, NH March Mandolin Festival!
Come join us for the release of this year's edition of Mandofest, a special Irish red ale brewed in celebration of the March Mandolin Festival, and for an afternoon of tunes in the taproom. Mandofest is brewed with maple syrup and spruce tips (so, like many mandolins, it has a maple back and a spruce top!) The taproom will be rollicking with an all-in mandolin jam to cap off the weekend-long mandolin festival!

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A Very Blasty Birthday
1:00 PM13:00

A Very Blasty Birthday

Please come help us celebrate Blasty Bough’s first birthday on February 17! What a year!

Join us for a party that includes the world premiere of Extra Special Blasty (brewed special for our birthday), a giant whoopie pie (Dave’s grandmother’s recipe) , live music in the taproom and raffles of cool Blasty Bough merch. Really, we are celebrating you guys — because when we opened a brewery, you all showed up and made it work. So come raise a glass and sing a little “Happy Birthday,” and let’s celebrate together!

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Winter Solstice Pub Sing! Dec. 21
7:00 PM19:00

Winter Solstice Pub Sing! Dec. 21

Come join us for a very special pub sing to celebrate the winter solstice. We’ll sing songs from yule traditions across the ages…and raise our voices in the coziness of the Blasty tap room to sing back the sun. This will be an a cappella song circle in the taproom from 7-9 p.m. No cover, but tips for the shantyman appreciated. Bring your voice, and a song to share and teach...and come #HaveABlasty and raise a song with us!

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Nov. 10: Craft Beer & Ironmongery
1:00 PM13:00

Nov. 10: Craft Beer & Ironmongery

Our friend Thomas from Greasy Luck Forge is going to be here with his portable forge all afternoon on November 3, making his beautifully crafted iron bottle openers. Hang out on the porch, #HaveABlasty and watch Thomas work his hammer & anvil...and go home with a beautiful piece of functional art. (You are going to love how it fits in your hand...) Also, make sure to ask Thomas about "Archer."

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Oct. 21: Bear Paw & Blasty Hike
2:00 PM14:00

Oct. 21: Bear Paw & Blasty Hike

Lace up your boots! We're getting together with our friends from Bear-Paw Regional Greenways for an easement hike and a gathering in the taproom. Come join in! Bear-Paw does the great work of conserving open space around here, and holds easements on our fields and forest.
Join us for a (mostly) flat 2.5 mile hike led by Brewmaster Dave with our friends from Bear-Paw. We'll walk from the Epsom Town Forest back across our conserved lands to the taproom. We’ll see an active beaver dam and the start of a succession forest. Meet up right here at Blasty Bough Brewing Company, and we'll shuttle over to the Town Forest to start the hike. See you here!

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Oct. 20: Arts Tour and Cezanne Saison release!
1:00 PM13:00

Oct. 20: Arts Tour and Cezanne Saison release!

We’ve brewed up something crafty to celebrate fall — and the annual Deerfield Arts Tour. It’s a saison made with apples from the trees in our dooryard plus a touch of apple cider. We call it Cezanne Saison. Get it?? You can pick up your Arts Tour map right here at the brewery and then go on a backroads arts discovery tour. We’ve got some wicked talented artist neighbors around here!

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Mandolin workshop with Italian master Carlo Aonzo
1:00 PM13:00

Mandolin workshop with Italian master Carlo Aonzo

Mandolin players rejoice! Carlo Aonzo, world-reknowned Italian master of the mandolin, will be coming to teach a three-hour workshop at Blasty Bough Brewing Company on Saturday, September 22. All levels welcome. We will hold the workshop in the concert space above the taproom, and the workshop will be followed by a concert that night at 7. Workshop only: $50, concert, $20. Combo ticket, workshop plus concert, $60. Space is limited in both workshop and concert, so make sure to RSVP!

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August 16: Easement walk & Blasty brews with Bear-Paw Regional Greenways
5:30 PM17:30

August 16: Easement walk & Blasty brews with Bear-Paw Regional Greenways

Brewmaster Dave will lead a walk of the farm and woodland trails with our friends from Bear-Paw Regional Greenways. The walk will end with a gathering at the Blasty Bough taproom.

Bear-Paw is the local land trust that holds easements on our land, so we thought it would be fun to take a walk and drink some beer together.

Join us for a mostly flat 1.5 to 2 mile hike through the 140 acres of the forests and fields that comprise the Stewart and Jackson conservation lands.  We’ll see an active beaver dam and the start of a succession forest.  We’ll also help you locate the trail links to other conservation lands, including the Hart Town Forest. 

What’s even better than beer? Beer after hiking!

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5th Annual NH Brewers Festival
4:00 PM16:00

5th Annual NH Brewers Festival

The NH Brewers Association's 5th Annual NH Brewers Festival will feature the largest collection of NH craft breweries at any Brewfest in the state and the Blasty crew will be there! Come say hi!

More than 40 NH brewers will be on hand, showcasing 100+ NH craft beers.

Saturday, July 14th, 2018 along the grassy shore of the Merrimack River at Kiwanis Waterfront Park in Concord, NH (behind the Everett Arena) from 1:00pm-4:00pm.

More information and tickets here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/5th-annual-nh-brewers-festival-tickets-45138680007

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