A republican, a democrat, a libertarian and an independent walked into a brewery and…had a civil conversation!
No joke.
Come gather in the tavern over some delicious beer and snacks and debate the issues of the day — with (wait for it...) civility and respect.
Each conversation will focus on one topic and be hosted by one of those rock stars of small New Hampshire communities: our local Town Moderators. (Why have them only use those mad skills on Town Meeting Day, and why not let them have beer?)
Join us on November 3 at 3 p.m. for a conversation about "New Hampshire's First-in-the-Nation Presidential Primary: Relevant or Relic?" hosted by Lyme, NH Town Moderator (and friend of Blasty Bough), Kevin Peterson.
To whet your appetite for this conversation, check out NHPR's new podcast, "Stranglehold," about how "one small state got its hands around our presidential elections." https://www.npr.org/podcasts/750516863/stranglehold
Things may get spirited — but not spiteful.