John Dwyer’s Dry Irish Stout

John Dwyer’s Dry Irish Stout

from $12.00

64oz - $20

32oz - $12

John Dwyer’s Dry Irish Stout (3.7 abv) is a special brew in the traditional Irish style in honor of the Feast of Saint Patrick. We’ve named it for Lois’ great-great-grandfather John Dwyer, a common laborer who fled famine in Ireland and joined an ocean-bound caravan of immigrants desperate to build better lives in America.  He settled in a New England mill town and opened a small grocery — where the next generation would go on to sell bootleg liquor during prohibition. He is buried in St. Patrick’s cemetery. We raise a glass to his immigrant story.

Trade In or New Bottle?:
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Here’s how this works: We will ONLY fill new growlers or growlers that we have sanitized and cleaned here at the brewery. You can choose to buy a new bottle (we have cut the price to $3), or bring us a growler to swap that we will take from you and drop directly into a sanitizer bath (and then run through the dishwasher). For the time being, we will accept growlers from ANY brewery in trade for new glassware.