McCoy’s Choice
McCoy’s Choice
64oz - $20
32oz - $12
Isabella McCoy’s Choice (5.3 abv) is a robust porter named for a robust woman. Isabella and her husband Charles settled near here in the 1700s. In 1747, Isabella was captured by native Americans, brought to Canada, and sold as a slave to a French family. At the end of the French and Indian war, she was given the choice to return home. It wasn’t an easy choice. Charles McCoy was a vile brute, and Isabella made it clear (and history would record) that she only chose to return for the sake of her children. That was Isabella McCoy’s Choice. We raise a glass to her fortitude.
Here’s how this works: We will ONLY fill new growlers or growlers that we have sanitized and cleaned here at the brewery. You can choose to buy a new bottle (we have cut the price to $3), or bring us a growler to swap that we will take from you and drop directly into a sanitizer bath (and then run through the dishwasher). For the time being, we will accept growlers from ANY brewery in trade for new glassware.